Thursday, September 27, 2007

Google reader..its such a wonderful thing

Somehow I feel lot of people do not know about the wonderful thing called 'Google Reader'. It really is a wonderful thing. Before I go on and on about how I use it, let me tell you all what it is all about.

Its basically a feed reader which tells you which blog or news site which has RSS feeds was updated and what posts or articles are new! It looks something like this

So as you can see I've a folder where I've sorted in all my blog subscriptions. Then there is a technology folder and so on and so forth.

Earlier when I used to read blogs, it was really difficult to catch up with all the new posts on various blogs. And there would be times when I would get so disappointed when I would find no new posts after reaching the blog and there would be times when I would have missed out checking on a blog and after days would have realised how many I had missed up!

I've added all the picture links of various family and friends and now I don't need to wait for an email from them to tell me that hey have added new pics.

Any site that offers RSS feeds and you like to visit them often for latest articles/updates, Google Reader will really be helpful for you! For this very reason it works out really good for me! I'm sure once you start using it, you will also get addicted to it. It really makes life so much easier! Try it once and you will be hooked!


  1. since you couldnt cure your internet addiction, you're dragging more into the pit with you? smart! ;)

    I use feedreader - it stores posts I read in a database on my pc. I didn't find out abt google reader till many months later.

  2. I started using Google Reader about a week back and its awesome. I can add ton of blogs to read :-) Also you can add google reader to google homepage. So you don't have to open reader everytime.

  3. I was wondering what google reader could be as I see people visiting my blog from those. Good you shared this useful piece of news with us; Will check it out for sure. I got an idea of how useful it could be

  4. hey! Google reader is really amazing. I really liked it. Thanks :)
